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The Pocket Scientist and Chemist Monthly QR Exclusive - September 2020

Thank you for ordering The Pocket Scientist or The Pocket Chemist and scanning the QR code to reach this page! This page is exclusively for holders of these cards and will have new content, freebies, resources and discounts every calendar month.

September Discount:

We recently added some mesmerizing black and white photographs from Meagan Ankney to our Science and Laboratory Wall Art collection. If you want to grab these to tile your own space, we're giving 10% off the entire collection for September! Use code: BETTERWALLS10 at checkout!


September Resource:

Want to send a thank-you to your old high school chemistry teacher or to your newest professor? We spent entirely too much time nerding out on the internet's chemistry-themed gifts and put together this list of the 11 Best Chemistry Teacher Gifts. Some of them are our own, and the rest you can find on Amazon!


September News:

So many things have been happening behind the scenes and we'd just like to share a few highlights:

  1. The Pocket Chemist and Scientist have been picked up by several college bookstores for in-store sales this Fall! This is a big step for us. If you're willing to recommend these for your own university bookstore, please send us an email at info@geniuslabgear.com!
  2. We are manufacturing The Pocket Engineer! It's further customized for hands-on engineering work and we plan to launch it in October. You'll get a chance to buy it here, first. Check back in early October!
  3. We also launched an Etsy store! Even though we have our own website, Etsy is a great platform for new people to discover us, especially for our stickers and word magnets. 

    Just for fun:

    Hopefully your pocket periodic table can help you figure this one out!




    Did you miss last month? Check out our archive:

    *Note: Discount codes will no longer be active and some links may be broken.

    August 2020 - The Pocket Chemist Exam Edition launch!

    July 2020 - Word Magnet Launch!

    June 2020 - Constant giveaways and learning to code

    May 2020 - Time to get writing?

    April 2020 - Quarantine life and a new retro sticker!

    March 2020 - Focus on Best Chemistry Blogs

    February 2020 - Focus on Digital tools for chemistry

    January 2020 - Focus on Outreach

    December 2019 - Focus on Social Media Accounts for Scientists

    November 2019 - Focus on Helpful Reading for Grad Students

    October 2019 - Focus on Chemistry and Chemistry Resources

    September 2019 - Focus on Science Podcasts

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    Drawing the cyclohexane chair conformations adds unnecessary stress to most chemistry students. Follow the steps below to easily draw the chair conformation and ring flips like a pro so you can focus your mental energy on solving the reaction itself.
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    How to use The Pocket Engineer

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    How to use every feature on The Pocket Engineer.
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    Format chemical equations instantly with ChemFormatter

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    Use this totally free and handy Microsoft Word plugin called ChemFormatter to instantly format your chemical equations!
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    Stop fumbling around in the dark and use this hard-to-find glow tape that is easy to write on!
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